“Sharon, your hands are magic! You have a talent!” ~ Nicole Haboush, Host, Living in South Florida LIVE w/Nicole Haboush & Friends, West Palm Beach, FL
“Best masseuse in Palm Beach!” ~ Maxine, Concierge, Palm Beach, FL
“I just want to say your hands are magic! My shoulder pain went away in 2 days!” ~ I.G., Salon Owner, Palm Beach, FL
“Thank you so much for the much needed therapeutic massage. I greatly appreciate your work!” ~ Carol, Esthetician, North Palm Beach, FL
“I wish I could bottle you up and take you with me everywhere I go!” ~ Maria, Hair Stylist, Philadelphia, PA
“I wish I could get a massage from you every day – yours! Because it is SO good!” ~ Dalea, age 6, Switzerland
“I’ll miss you the most, besides the beach.” ~ M.R., A Seasonal Snowbird, Singer Island, FL
“You’re the real thing!” ~ Sheldon, Fashion Designer
“I feel like me again.” ~ Cindy, equestrian, SC
“I feel like a new man!” ~ Reese, Barber/Stylist, Palm Beach, FL
“Amazing! You’re the bomb! That was awesome!” ~ Brad, PGA Tour Golfer
“I think you fixed me! I’m going to be seeing a lot more of you! Let’s set something up for once a week.” ~ Medical Doctor, Wellington, FL
“You are DEFINITELY an expert at your craft. OUTSTANDING!” ~ Tennis Instructor, North Palm Beach, FL
“Sharon has a wonderful working knowledge of how the human body works within the golf swing. She is keenly aware of the many obstacles our bodies can create if they are not in peak condition. Not only can she identify those obstacles, but she knows how to treat them like no one I have ever worked with.” ~ Kevin Walker, Golf Professional, Nantucket Golf Club, Golf Magazine Top 100 Instructor
“Thank you so much for taking care of the office staff today. It is greatly appreciated. Iam going to have you come back soon. You made their day :)” ~ M.P., Hospitality Specialist, West Palm Beach, FL
“I’ve had massages before, but none of them came close!” ~ Esther, Guest at at Marriott Palm Beach at Singer Island, FL
“The only massage that even came close to yours was the one I had at Belagio (in Las Vegas).” ~ Malky, Guest at Marriott Palm Beach at Singer Island, FL
“I’ve been fortunate to have been able to have a lot of massages all over the world in places like India, but this might be the best massage I’ve ever had. It’s because you’re so sensitive and intuitive, and so tuned in, and you know exactly what my body is needing right at this very moment.” ~ G.S., Palm Beach, FL
“Oh GAHD! Oh GAHD! I’m enjoyin’ every MINute o’ this!” ~John, Student, Lake Park, FL
“She’s EVERYthing!” ~ Page, Chef, Lake Park, FL
“I told my doctor I haven’t had any more headaches since I’ve been having your massage.” ~ John, Former Pro Tennis Player, Australia
“I’ve only had two massages from you and I already notice a HUGE difference in my strength and agility on the board. Normally, I take a few minutes to warm up first, but this time I was just killin’ it right from the get go!” ~ Darryl, Surfer, West Palm Beach, FL
“Everyone loves you. I’m so happy I found you. I’m glad I finally have someone I can refer to our guests, and now I can actually OFFER them a massage when they come and I can say, ‘I have just the person for you.’ One of our guests sang your praises all the way to the airport yesterday! I feel so confident and powerful being able to say, “YES! I HAVE someone!” ~ Julie, Estate Manager, Palm Beach, FL
“That was excellent. The pressure and everything was just perfect. Can you come back tomorrow? And… the next day?” ~ Lana, U.K.
“Absolutely amazing! Truly wonderful.” ~ Lana, U.K.
“Fantastico! You’re so in tune!” ~ Mark, Jupiter, FL
“Sharon, you’re WONDERFUL!” ~ Paul, N.C.
“That feels SO wonderful!” ~ Ann, Law Firm, North Palm Beach, FL
“Phenomenal. Excellent bodywork.” J. ~ Deputy Sheriff
“Wonderful job.” ~ Francine, St. Croix, USVI
“You are SO good at what you do!” ~ Laurel C., Palm Beach Gardens, FL
“You give SUCH a good massage…” ~ Kevin, Singer Island
“I feel better than I’ve ever felt in my entire life!” ~ Howie, Lake Park, FL
“I felt like a million bucks after that massage!” ~ Steve, West Palm Beach, FL
“Just what the doctor ordered.” ~ Jeff, Palm Beach Shores, FL
“That was fabulous… REALLY fabulous!” ~ Mrs. R., Ocean Ridge, FL
“UNBELIEVABLE! I want you to write down everything you did and then do it again when I call you.” ~ L.B., Singer Island
“If you want a deep massage, she will GIVE you a deep massage! She’s very good and she knows the body.” ~I.S., Morton Grove, IL
“Other massage therapists don’t get in there like that and go deep on the muscles that hurt.” ~ Katie C., West Palm Beach, FL
“You found muscles I didn’t know I had! I don’t know how someone as small as you are can give such good pressure and yet be so gentle.” ~ Nina, Palm Beach Gardens, FL
“Oh! That was WONDERFUL! Very, very good! You have strong hands!” ~ Mrs. T., North Palm Beach, FL
“World’s best massage therapist! That girl has strong hands!” ~ Maria, Singer Island, FL
“I think this is the closest I’ve ever been to heaven. You’re phenomenal. It’s like I go into another world.” ~ G.G., S.I., FL
“That was a little slice of heaven.” ~ Mike N., Wellington, FL
“I think I died and went to heaven.” ~ C.H., Singer Island
“You have a nice touch.” ~ Nina, Palm Beach Gardens, FL
“That felt SO SO SO SO GOOD!” ~ Kathy, Delray Beach, FL
“GOOD! :)” ~ MaryAnn, Colorado
“Delicious!” ~ Susan, Palm Beach, FL
“Sharon, that was excellent! I can’t thank you enough!” ~ Julia, Colorado
“We’re both melted like butter, thanks!” ~ K & J in Delray
“I feel like jelly.” ~ Cheryl, Singer Island, FL
“I feel like Kobe beef – all nice and tenderized.” ~ David B., Buffalo, NY
“I feel so relaxed… They should call it ‘A COMA THERAPY’ instead of aromatherapy!” ~ Tom, Lake Worth, FL
“To be honest, that was the best massage I ever had!” ~ Anita, Visiting Palm Beach from Czech Republic
“In case nobody has told you lately, Sharon, you’re great! REALLY great! You’re talented… beyond BELIEF! That was SUPERIOR bodywork. That’s the best massage I think I’ve ever had! You did WONDERS! My neck and my back feel ten THOUSAND times better! I’m SO happy! I’ll be back next week!” ~ G., Painting Contractor, Lake Park, FL
“By the way, that was the best night sleep I had in a long time 😉 Thank you. I’m in such a good mood today from good sleep. I wish you lived near me. You’re amazing.” ~ Sherri, North Carolina
“OH, Sharon! You’re SO good! You really know how to get down into the muscles. I wish I could take you with me back to Dallas. That was terrific. And, I’m not just saying that to be nice. I’ve had a lot of massages and that one was really exceptionally good.” ~ Beverly, Dallas, TX
“THANK you! That was the BEST massage I ever had! Can I take you back to Pennsylvania with me?” ~ Phil from Philly, PA
“You need to move to Missouri, because if you did, I’d be over to see you frequently! That was the best massage of my life!” ~ Scott T., Resort Guest, Palm Beach County, FL
“This is the third in-home massage I’ve had in the past three months, and you’re definitely the best. You’re the BEST!” ~ Jen, Real Estate Agent, Jupiter, FL
“Sharon is the BEST massage therapist ever – and I have seen a lot of them… Afterwards, I feel like I’m on a natural high, I am so relaxed! She is so accomodating. Everytime I have called her in need, she has been able to see me on the same day. She is professional, hard working, flexible, and will do all she can to give you the best massage every time. Plus, she has a heart of GOLD… To put it simply… Sharon ROCKS!!” ~ Susan, Jupiter, FL
“Sharon is the best massage therapist I have ever had. The difference between Sharon and other massages that I have had over the years is that she skillfully administers massage techniques that are personalized to the client based upon what the client is feeling and what the client wants as far as the degree of pressure. She has been helping me with a pinched nerve and fatigue. After each massage, I feel an amazing improvement, like a new person.” ~ Carla S., Juno Beach, FL
“I really, really needed this. Sharon Cedrone has AMAZING technique and she comes to you. PS…we’re going to do a girl’s Massage Happy Hour up here next month!!” ~ T.M., Singer Island, FL
“You’re very good. I’ll book the 90-minute next time.” ~ Mr. Kline, Hotel Guest, Palm Beach, FL
“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You got some crazy good hands, there!” ~ L. Romano, Medical Massage Patient, Wellington, FL
“Ooh! You have good hands! Usually, I am ready to get off the table after 45-minutes, but with you I was not bored at all.” ~ Gerald, Paris, France
“You have good hands! Fabulous! I LOVE you! DON’T STOP!” ~ Larry, Palm Beach Gardens, FL
“The table was very comfortable. I felt like I was floating. It was nice that you had the face cushion. I liked the massage very much. You did a very good job.” ~ R.S., Hotel Guest from Spain, The Breakers, Palm Beach, FL
“What a way to start a busy Monday – with an awesome massage from Sharon! I’m hooked!!! Mondays will never be the same again! Sharon applies just the right pressure and practices a variety of techniques that keep you from being overly sore afterward. I can’t wait ’til next Monday! :)” ~ Audrey S., Juno Beach, FL
“You do a good job. I’m happy… VERY happy.” Mrs. H, Singer Island, FL
“You are good !!! Sharon, thank you so very much for my massage. I was even able to do 2 loads of laundry yesterday without freezing up again and I am still feeling good today !!!” ~ Love and Hugs, Diane, Palm Beach Gardens, FL
“I am walking better than I ever have. My feet have always caused me a lot of problems. After just a couple of massages I am able to walk without pain. Thanks so much, you are a lifesaver.” ~ Lynn H., Singer Island, FL
“Dear Sharon, I just wanted to tell you how therapeutic your massage was for me. After my long illness and kidney transplant I have been in such discomfort with my back, legs, etc. It was such a treat to know I could finally have a massage. I had no idea that the relaxing massage I so looked forward to would be so therapeutic and my body would feel so rejuvenated afterwards. I will continue to get massages from you each time I return to Florida and hope to do so at least monthly. Thank you again so much for helping me feel more like my old self before all the illness invaded my body. Take care and I will see you for my next massage when I return next month!” ~ Laura, Singer Island
“Sharon, thank you! You cured my plantar faciatis after the podiatrist gave me 3 very painful cortisone injections that not only didn’t work, they caused more pain. He said surgery was the only other course of action. I sure am glad that I met you and you were able to give me relief in the first session. You also massaged my finger that had been fractured, healed incorrectly and was extremely painful and swollen all the time. After you massaged it and loosened the tendon, I had immediate relief. Let’s not forget that my hands were so stiff and painful that I could hardly use them. Your manipulation of the muscles and tendons to increase blood flow and promote healing was astounding. I haven’t had any acute flare-ups since I started my regular sessions with you a year-and-a-half ago because I get so much relief from your holistic, gentle, highly effective therapy. You are the most highly skilled, knowledgeable health professional that I have ever met, as evidenced by your credentials and my results. I highly recommended you to anyone for fast and long lasting pain relief and a sense of well being. In fact, I referred my friend to you for help with his excruciating foot pain, the tendinitis in his elbow, and his hip and knee pain. Thanks for keeping my body balanced and pain free!” ~ Linda W., Palm Beach Gardens, FL